26 Feb 2015

Islamic State Destroying Antiquities at Mosul and at Nineveh

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Conflict Antiquities has numerous images, demonstrating one more reason why the civilized world should not tolerate the activities or the existence of this insane regime.


4 Feedbacks on "Islamic State Destroying Antiquities at Mosul and at Nineveh"

T. Shaw

This is nothing new or remarkable.

The murderous savages have been at it since 633 A. D. For Obama-worshipping numbskulls, that is 1,382 years of on-and-off invasions and massacres.

The Spanish Inquisition killed fewer people in 150 years than the world-wide jihad does in an average year.


Islam prohibits the representation of human form in images or statues.

Video, apparently, is allowed.


The NY Times wasn’t all that troubled when they beheaded Christians, but now that they’re destroying art, they’re really steamed.


The essential ISIS devotee is flaccid, bankrupt, lethargic, and a coward. It has never yet conquered.


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