The Toast offers clues.
Some examples:
You have a pretty taste for paradox.
You speak English, but will lapse into Italian in order to create rhymes at the drop of a hat. …
You live in a country other than England, but the only way to tell this is from your dress and your occasional use of another language, as you are otherwise entirely indistinguishable from an English person.
You are an orphan.
You are not an orphan, but have just said that you are to a man who is altogether too interested in this fact.
You think you are an orphan, and are rather surprised to discover that you have either very rich or very disreputable relations.
Your mother is younger than you, or at least appears to be so? …
Your society’s legal system is fundamentally corrupt and everyone knows it, but no one has a problem with it.
You’ve got a little list .
You shout Tarantara!
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