School of Athens thinks it can explain why Sweet Briar’s Board of Directors voted to close the college.
The decision by the Board of Directors to immediately close Sweet Briar College despite the college still having approximately $90 million dollars in the endowment and a positive asset to debt ratio seems simply bizarre. While the historic college might be losing a little money during the economic downturn, the endowment is designed to keep things going during the lean years and seems to have ample funds. Yet the swift decision to immediately close and the secrecy surrounding the Board’s processes seem odd to say the least, especially considering that the money to save the school appears to be available with the website already raising over $16 million with simple social media networking. …
We are hearing from a source in position to know that this beautiful land is the reason that Sweet Briar is closing. Because there is a buyer ready to move quickly and quietly to purchase the whole lot, historic buildings and all. This buyer has the immense economic power and major influence to keep the related decisions silent, immediate, and final. Who? Well, it has a lot to do with a similar land deal of about 3,000 acres that got scuttled about twenty years ago. According to our source, the reason Sweet Briar is closing is to make way for:
In 1994, Disney was all set to close on 2,000 acres in Haymarket in as the core to its envisioned 3,000-acre Disney America in Prince William County. That deal was scuttled, but Disney is on the record as keeping its plans alive to set Disney America in Virginia. Riley over at Virginia Virtucon was openly calling for Disney to revive its Disney America design in the Williamsburg area a few years ago. Many in Virginia consider the protests and objections that forced Disney to shut down its plans 20 years ago a big mistake. Our source has informed us that Disney is ready to rectify that mistake, and now wants the 3,250 acres that Sweet Briar sits on to bring Disney America back to life and back to Virginia. That kind of potential investment causes things to develop both quickly and quietly, and Disney is no wilting flower when it comes to political muscle.
The immediate and irrevocable action in shutting down makes sense, because Disney does not want a repeat of the protests related to the sale of historical land that killed the project in 1994. Instead, if the college is already closed and shuttered, Disney can come in like a hero and rescue Amherst County from the economic disaster that closing Sweet Briar would otherwise lead to.
Read the whole thing.
Sweet Briar officials promptly denied the story, but School of Athens remained sticking to its guns.

Interesting story and maybe it’s true, but I know that area pretty well and it’s hard to see how local infrastructure and road network would be adequate to the purpose. Haymarket is a lot closer to the interstates and the east coast metro areas, Dulles Airport, hotels and convention centers, etc. The project made sense from that point but wasn’t politically viable there.Amherst is not exactly the boonies but it’s not close to much of anything that would support a Disney complex. But then I suppose Orlando wasn’t either, back in the early ’70’s. If that’s the plan, I expect that there will be lots more opposition from Amherst, Nelson and Albemarle Counties than an outsider
might assume. That’s the mistake Disney made in Haymarket back in the ’90’s.
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