There could be reasons other than historical for this pattern – perhaps there is a toxin or bacteria in the water supply or on the breeze that causes behavior patterns to shift.
On a related note, I seem to recall that the infection rates for toxoplasmid gondii are far higher in France than in other countries, and that bacteria is known to induce behavioral changes. You catch it from cats, typically. Cats catch it from rats. Rats that have it become fascinated with the smell of cat urine, thus facilitating the infection of cats.
Humans infected with it become more sexually aggressive – males tomcat-ish, women become kitten-ish.
I wonder if there this region has a good habitat for rats?
T. Shaw
Isn’t that also an area where the Cathars and Albigensian heretics big time took hold? So much so that the Pope declared a crusade against Languedoc.
Didn’t the French drive out the Huguenots? This would make these areas ones that suffered catholic ethnic cleansing.
Kit Catt
There could be reasons other than historical for this pattern – perhaps there is a toxin or bacteria in the water supply or on the breeze that causes behavior patterns to shift.
On a related note, I seem to recall that the infection rates for toxoplasmid gondii are far higher in France than in other countries, and that bacteria is known to induce behavioral changes. You catch it from cats, typically. Cats catch it from rats. Rats that have it become fascinated with the smell of cat urine, thus facilitating the infection of cats.
Humans infected with it become more sexually aggressive – males tomcat-ish, women become kitten-ish.
I wonder if there this region has a good habitat for rats?
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