Engraved Model 1891 Carcano Carbine
Numrich Arms will be auctioning next month this ornately engraved and crested Carcano Model 91 6.5 mm. Carbine rifle, one of four produced by Beretta. This one was a special commission by the Duke of Aosta, Viceroy of Abyssinia, built in 1939.

Is this the same gun in the fake photo of Oswald? Is it the same gun that the FBI marksmen tried to duplicate those fatal shots with and were unable to? Is this the same gun that fired the magic bullet that changed directions 3 or 4 times and was found almost pristine after passing through both Kennedy and connally? Not just passing through Kennedy and Connally but also depositing lead fragments in their body while losing little to no lead!? Wow! That is some gun…
As ornately engraved and crested it may be, it’s still no more than a Carcano.
No thanks.
Steve Gregg
Are you still peddling all that grassy knoll nonsense after all these years? All your dopey claims have been conclusively debunked decades ago. Stop bothering the adults with your fairy tales.
I do not know with any certainty what really happened on that day, but I do know this for certain: our government and the investigators do not know either. I do believe it would be easier to prove that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK then to prove that Oswald did it alone. The Warran Commission report was pure fantasy and they all knew it. I am not so much convinced they covered a known or guessed conspiracy as I am that they tried to quickly end an investigation which had the potential to bring this country to a dark place. I think they were afraid what might be discovered with a competent investigation. The evidence that Kennedy was shot at least once from the front is overwhelming. The evidence that more bullets were fired than there were empty shells in the book depository is clear. That a pristine bullet was “planted” on a stretcher in the hospital is obvious. The list of known facts that conflict with the official story is very long. The contradictions and intentional misrepresentations in the official story is even longer. I am not a big fan of conspiracy theories but this is one I believe in.
Here are some of the concerns that many people have about the official story:
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