10 Oct 2015

Concise Film Review



9 Feedbacks on "Concise Film Review"


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were “lucky”. If they had begun their career 5 years earlier or 5 years later no one would even know their name. Both of them stole the technology that made them famous. (Stole, borrowed, whatever it wasn’t their brainchild). I will give both of them credit, they both improved the technology and brought great innovation to the personal computer world.
Most of Apple’s great success id due to brand loyalty. Apple users won’t buy anything else and wait breathlessly for the next release or product from Apple. In other words their success and Jobs success was due to being #2 and a cult not to Jobs great genius.


I work in the technology investment space. I have not noticed any correlation between success and being an asshole. What I have noticed is a correlation between success and a dogged determination not to let people like me tell you that something can’t be done. Of course, for every successfull outcome there are a hundred unsuccessful ones that you never hear about.

Dan Kurt

re: GoneWiththeWind’s comment.

You don’t know what you are talking about on either Microsoft or Apple. Apple paid Xerox to use the concept of the Graphic User Interface and invented Overlapping Windows when Xerox only figured out how to Tile windows. Job’s missed completely, even though it was demonstrated to him, Xerox’s seminal discovery: networking between computers. Microsoft snookered Apple to get the tools and techniques that became Windows. IBM lost the race by trusting Microsoft to develop an operating system for IBM.

As to the canard: “Most of Apple’s great success id(sic) due to brand loyalty.GWTW

NEW people constantly buy Apple products for the first time to keep Apple growing, not just old customers buying products. New blood keeps Apple growing. Compare the traffic at an Apple Store with that at a Microsoft Store.

A friend of mine a few years ago came into my office and actually knelt down begging my forgiveness. He finally bought two Apple products: a laptop and an iPad. He loved them because they just worked. For years he had been an ANTI APPLE CRUSADER and I had chided him over it. For years he was the president on and off of a local IBM PC club and a DOS trouble shooter for the club. (BTW, I had been involved in computing since the 1960s. UNIX and scientific and math programming so he was always confused as to why I didn’t want to get down and dirty with DOS years ago.)


We have a difference of opinion and you are one of the Apple faithful and to you this is a religious argument. It isn’t to me, I could really care less about Apple or Microsoft or IBM. I too have been in the business since the 60’s. I saw and used what came before Apple and DOS and everything since.
What I stated was not incorrect, Jobs did NOT pay for the ideas (the mouse windows and icons) he got from Xerox .
It was the wild west, everything was in play, everybody stole everything. Sometimes they improved on it and sometimes they did not.
Gates stole DOS from Gary Kildall (who I met and who never really gave a damn about it, believe it or not).

Re:”Most of Apple’s great success id due to brand loyalty” Is in reference to Apple computers only. If your argument is that most of Apples success today is in their non-computer products than I will agree they have many new customers. But we were talking about Apple computers and for the most part people who buy Apple computers are buying them to replace an Apple computer. They wouldn’t think of buying a Windows machine and many won’t even use one at work preferring to quit than use one.


Re: IBM lost the race by trusting Microsoft to develop an operating system for IBM.

I will disagree on this too. IBM wanted to make big bucks. They wanted to keep selling their cheapo computers for $2400 for the entry level model. But competition lowered the price so much that IBM was simply not a player.

Dan Kurt


What a bag of hot air. “What I stated was not incorrect, Jobs did NOT pay for the ideas (the mouse windows and icons) he got from Xerox.” GWTW

The truth is: “Apple bought access to the PARC by means of a stock deal that seemed lucrative to the Xerox managers on the East Coast: They might buy 100,000 Apple stocks for one million dollars [before the IPO]. Source: “http://www.mac-history.net/computer-history/2012-03-22/apple-and-xerox-parc or

The rest of GWTW is also mostly bogus and what is not bogus is inconsequential.

Dan Kurt


Your bluster and denial say so much about who and what you are.

As Bill Gates told Jobs straight out, eye to eye “Well, Steve, I think there’s more than one way of looking at it. I think it’s more like we both had this rich neighbour named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it.”

Jobs himself said, in response to the claim that he stole the ideas “Good artists copy, great artists steal.”

As I said it was the wild West in the 70’s and 80’s and everyone was stealing from everyone else.

Your claim that Apple paid for the ideas in stock is weak. You cite a pro-Apple site as proof and even there they point out that the stock deal was in play before Jobs even knew there was something to steal and the intent of the stock deal was to benefit Apple not Xerox. This site was making a feeble attempt at rewriting history.

I understand like all the Apple acolytes you feel compelled to defend and praise Apple and to denigrate anyone who doesn’t kiss Jobs ring. I get it. We will never agree. But anyone who knows the history will see through the re-write.

I await your ad hominem attacks since you lack the facts.

Dan Kurt

re:”I await your ad hominem attacks since you lack the facts.” GWTW

You deny facts silly boy.

Dan Kurt


Well I my simply be disagreeing with your “facts”. No hard feelings, be well and be happy.


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