08 Feb 2016

University of Oregon Bernie Sanders Voters

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This is why we should have kept the property qualification for voting.

Hat tip to the News Junkie.

2 Feedbacks on "University of Oregon Bernie Sanders Voters"

jerry the geek

Uh … Dude!
UO has the reputation of being the PREMIERE “Party School” in Oregon.

There’s a reason why they filmed “ANIMAL HOUSE” there.

It’s unfair to ask questions of college students if it requires them to think.

John Belushi had the perfect answer to ALL of these questions:



I live near UO and I can tell you it isn’t really a party school. Eugene is typical of a college town but if you get more than ten blocks from the university you would never know it was there. The UO admission standards are pretty high except for athletes, minorities and some of the hate studies programs. This story is more about the indolent youth of today than it is about college kids in general. Oregon is a bastion of liberal beliefs and Eugene is it’s center. If you don’t think to deeply or understand too much Socialism is appealing. Most of these kids will get jobs and struggle to stay ahead of the taxman and will change their view on this in 10-15 years or so.


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