05 Mar 2016

When You Listen to Trump, You’re Hearing Roy Cohn Talking

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So, where did Donald Trump learn his distinctive and bizarre political style of crude, unlimited aggression? Who taught Donald to how to throw his opponents off their stride by confusing them by breaking all the rules?

Olivia Nuzzi says that The Donald learned how to win by being a complete ******* from the master, flamboyant attorney and anti-communist attack dog (who exposed commies with Joe McCarthy and sent Ethel Rosenberg to the chair) the Left’s all-time ultimate bête noire Roy Cohn.

Donald Trump’s brash and bullying style was learned at the heel of Roy Cohn, one of America’s most infamous lawyers.

They met at Le Club, a private disco on the Upper East Side frequented by Jackie Kennedy, Al Pacino, and Diana Ross, according to Trump: The Saga of America’s Most Powerful Real Estate Baron. Donald Trump, the young developer, quickly amassing a fortune in New York real estate and Roy Cohn, America’s most loathed yet socially successful defense attorney who had vaulted to infamy in the 1950s while serving as legal counsel to Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The friendship they forged would provide the foundation for Trump’s eventual presidential campaign. And in hindsight, it serves as a tool for understanding Donald Trump the Candidate, whose bumper sticker-averse declarations—undocumented Mexican immigrants are “criminals” and “rapists”; Senator John McCain is “not a war hero”—have both led him to the top of the Republican primary polls and mistakenly convinced many that he is a puzzle unworthy of solving. It may appear that way, but Trump isn’t just spouting off insults like a malfunctioning sprinkler system—he’s mimicking what he learned some 40 years ago.

A longtime friend of Trump’s who was introduced to the candidate by Cohn told me it’s a shame that Cohn’s not alive to see the chaos his protégé has wrought.

“He would have just loved what’s going on right now,” the friend said. “Roy liked upsetting the establishment.”

Read the whole thing.

Well, what do you know? Maybe Donald Trump really does have a certain kind of conservative roots, after all.

4 Feedbacks on "When You Listen to Trump, You’re Hearing Roy Cohn Talking"


I see Trump and his personality/style as classic New York City personality. His aggressive style, rough talk and reaction to criticism is so typical of NY City politicians and activists on both (all) sides of the political spectrum. The only difference I see with Trump is many of the outspoken verbally and physically aggressive NY City types will knowingly disguise their persona if it helps their agenda. Put another way they have no qualm with faking it; lying to the public if it serves their purpose. But underneath all those slick politicians, activists and SJWs from NY City are just as nasty and foul mouthed as Trump is. He simply chooses to not hide it for the purpose to impress. Trump may indeed be unsuitable for the presidency as is Obama, possible GW, certainly Bill Clinton and perhaps Bush I as well. Clearly Jimmy Carter was unsuitable and I would argue that Gerald Ford wasn’t suitable either. Oddly and ironically the one person best trained/educated and “suitable” for the presidency was Richard Nixon. He was sadly totally unsuited for TV which made him look dark and foreboding and as it turns out he was unsuited for talking openly while knowing he was being taped.
So who should be our candidate? If not Trump, who isn’t my favorite, who? I like Cruz. But my number one pick for the one man alive today who would make the best president in a time when we really need someone like him is Dick Cheney.


I, too, wish Dick Cheney were younger and in better health and able to run.


My fervent hope is that somehow Trump is replaced on the ticket by Ted Cruz. It is still possible but those with the juice to make it happen at the convention want Rubio. I really want to shake things up. We can’t continue down this road. Maybe Trump will “break” the Republican party. Maybe Trump will insure Hillary gets elected. I don’t honestly know. But whatever happens I hope Trump wakes up the stupid party and returns them to something closer to conservative. I’m not asking for purity but at least our Republicans we vote in could walk the talk. I am so tired of being stabbed in the back by the very people I vote for year after year.


I completely agree, GWTW.. “stabbed in the back” exactly! …however, if Trump goes into Cleveland with the majority of delegates and the obvious passion of the masses behind him, and the elites pull a fast one, you’ll get your blown up Republican Party, never to be put back together.


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