24 Mar 2016

Which One Would Make the Better President?

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5 Feedbacks on "Which One Would Make the Better President?"


It is not in dispute that Trump’s woman was attacked first. I am happy to see Cruz taking the high road in this tweet. I would be even happier if I could quell any suspicion regarding Cruz being ignorant of the original attack ad. And if I could confidently deny he had anything do with the premature claim that Ben Carson had withdrawn from the race a few weeks ago. But I am beginning to have my doubts.

If Cruz is using cat’s paws to launch dirty political tricks while preserving plausible deniability, it reflects poorly on his character.
One of his strengths is his perceived probity.


I can’t decide if this tweet is poor judgement on the Donald’s part, or if he’s deliberately goading Cruz.


And both of them are raving beauties next to Witch Hillary.


And to think we used to make fun of Silvio Berlusconi.

bob sykes

Apparently, Cruz has had several affairs,


and I guess we know why.


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