Mark Steyn makes mincemeat of bien pensant liberals former UN Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour and historian Simon Schama in this debate excerpt.
Full debate here.
10 Apr 2016
Mark Steyn on the European Refugee CrisisDebate, Europe, Islam, Louise Arbour, Mark Steyn, Simon SchamaMark Steyn makes mincemeat of bien pensant liberals former UN Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour and historian Simon Schama in this debate excerpt. ————— Full debate here. Feeds
The snobby elite are simply wrong on this issue. They do not live where the problem is, the problem that this immigration is causing. And they do not accept the facts when the people who do live there describe what is going on. This active mass immigration policy and the benign neglect of the results of that policy will sooner or later lead to open warfare/rioting in the cities of Europe (and perhaps America too). When this happens the left will predictably blame it all on the right wing “soccer hooligans” as though if they just put done the hooligans the problem would disappear. This will blow up in their faces and they will be naively unaware of it and it’s causes as they blissfully jet from one meeting to another and from one holiday vacation to the next. The world is burning and the idle elite are fiddling around in their ivory towers.
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