03 May 2016


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Trigglypuff is the nickname given to a Hampshire College student who was recorded loudly protesting in the audience of a University of Massachusetts Amherst event titled “The Triggering,” which featured a discussion criticizing politically correct movements on campus hosted by conservative blogger Steven Crowder, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Christina Hoff Sommers.

3 Feedbacks on "Trigglypuff"


Don’t you wonder whether people like this ever stop to think how much they’re working against what they say they’d like to accomplish?


Imagine being stuck in a plane or an immobilized subway with that.


Pierre Savoie

Social Justice Warriors are ALL Trigglypuffs inside. We just never focussed on their attitudes before. This was just a manifestation of their attitudes in its purest form, seeking to destroy and disrupt, never to counter rationally.

In a planet of seven billion people, there is bound to be one Trigglypuff who has rolled five aces or whatever and manifested for real!


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