Peggy Noonan is an embarrassment as a pundit. The poor girl must be pretty well half-baked every time she sits down to bat out a column of political pontifications. She has no keel whatsoever. Whatever disaster for the Republic or mass insanity is underway, Peggy falls madly in love with.
In 2008, Peggy was flinging her panties onto the stage at Obama rallies, and gravely advising Republicans and conservatives that “the times they were a-changing” and we had better get with the program and move with the times. The GOP was, Peggy said, a neglected, out-of-fashion and unloved old house. Barack Obama, on the other hand, was the most exciting thing Peggy had ever seen.
It’s a tale of two houses. One is dilapidated, old. Everyone in the neighborhood is used to it, and they turn away when they pass. A series of people lived in it and failed to take care of it. It’s run down, needs paint. The roof sags, squirrels run through the eaves. A haunted house! No, more boring. Just a house someone . . . let go.
But over here, a new house on a new plot. It’s rising from the mud before your eyes. It has interesting lines, a promising façade, and when people walk by they stop and look. So much bustle! Builders running in and out, the contractors fighting with each other—â€You wouldn’t even have this job if it weren’t for the minority set-aside!†And everyone hates the architect, who put a port-o-potty on the lawn.
But: You can’t take your eyes off it. “Something being born, and not something dying.†Maybe it will improve the neighborhood. Maybe the owners will be nice.
A year later, Peggy was a loyal member of the Republican opposition again, warning Barack Obama that in his ruthless drive to ram through the nationalization of one-sixth of the US economy he was “terrifying America.”
But, even with Peggy dumping regularly on Obama throughout the 2012 campaign, Jeff Goldstein found it difficult to forgive Peggy Noonan for supporting Obama in 2008.
[O]ne of the women who helped guilt the American people into electing a transformative Marxist with a dubious background and no governing experience, a man who, after his drug-addled youth, hung out with domestic terrorists, academic (and activist) anti-Semites, and got his religious counsel from a man steeped in hatred of Whites and Jews, as head of the free world — while simultaneously sneering down her nose at figures like Sarah Palin, who has proven over the course of time to be every bit as prescient as Ms Noonan was bamboozed, hoodwinked, and gloriously conned — is now writing to tell us the President is not who he promised he’d be. As if we haven’t been alive the last five years, or as if we were the ones whose snobbery and reflected egoism caused us to buy this charlatan’s obvious and vapid bullshit in the first place.
And, here in 2016, we find Peggy at it again, jumping on the chariot of transformative change and sneering at the old fogey skeptics trying to resist the mandate of History.
If you know Trump people in real life as opposed to through social media, if they are your friends and family members, you understand that “rage†doesn’t do them justice. They dislike the Republican Party, which they believe has consistently betrayed them, but Trump people in person are just about the only cheerful people in politics this year. They actually have hope—the system needs a hard electric shock, he’s just the man to do it, and if it doesn’t work they’ll fire him. They’re having a good time. Here I throw in a moment I had in Manhattan Thursday afternoon. I was standing on a corner on York Avenue in the 60s when a cab screeched across two lanes to stop in front of me. “I am voting for Trump!†the driver yelled through an open window. “You want to know why? He is neither right or left!†He then laughed and sped on. Not all Trump supporters are quiet about it.
Peggy even has some advice for Trump opponents:
Those who oppose Mr. Trump should do it seriously and with respect for his supporters. If he is not conservative, make your case and explain what conservatism is. No one at this point needs your snotty potshots or your supposedly withering one-liners. I confess I have lost patience with many of those declaring they cannot in good conscience support him, not because reasons of conscience are not crucial—they are, and if they apply they should be declared. But some making these declarations managed in good conscience, indeed with the highest degree of self-regard, to back the immigration proposals of George W. Bush that contributed so much to the crisis that produced Mr. Trump. They invented Sarah Palin. They managed to support the global attitudes and structures that left the working class jobless. They dreamed up the Iraq war.
Sometimes I think their consciences are really not so delicate.
As for the political consultants who insult Mr. Trump so vigorously, they are the ones who did most to invent him. What do they ever do in good conscience?
I’m supposed to “respect” empty-headed, ill-informed amadans who don’t follow politics, who can’t understand policy, who think pragmatism is better than having principles, and who are, once again, hurrying to make a Pop Culture Celebrity the chief magistrate of the Republic, who want to sit Bozo the Clown in the same chair once occupied by Reagan and by Washington?
I don’t look on the voting decision in 2016 as so much a matter of conscience as of common sense. No one sensible ought to be willing to support a person of bad character, a person of low intelligence, a person manifestly unprincipled, or a person lacking in a sophisticated understanding of government policy. No one of normal intelligence ought to be willing to support an obvious charlatan, a shameless liar, a vulgarian, or a bully. If you think that the remedy for the excesses of bad politics and popular delusions is to find a noiser, coarser, and less-inhibited clown and put the country in his hands, there is something seriously wrong with you.
Peggy Noonan is drunk and should go home, and so should the rest of the people supporting Donald Trump.

I haven’t listened to or read anything Peggy Noonan has written since the depths of her slobbering, unrequited love affair with The Obama became apparent to me in early 2008.
One would think she would be too ashamed to write anything further, about any topic, but since I presume she is paid by the word I suppose we will have to endure her continued presence.
“No one sensible ought to be willing to support a person of bad character, a person of low intelligence, a person manifestly unprincipled, or a person lacking in a sophisticated understanding of government policy. No one of normal intelligence ought to be willing to support an obvious charlatan, a shameless liar, a vulgarian, or a bully.”
OK, so you’ve described Hillary. Who are you going to vote for?
If the US could ally with Stalin to defeat the Nazis, conservatives might be able to ally with Trump to beat the Democrats.
“If the US could ally with Stalin to defeat the Nazis, conservatives might be able to ally with Trump to beat the Democrats.”
That is a reasonable comment, as long as you remember that after the war we spent the next 45 years or so fighting Stalin and his communist successors.
I do. And although FDR may have been naive, there were plenty of people in Congress who understood what was likely to happen after the war was won. First things first, though. My #1 objective is still to avoid having President Clinton appoint Barack Obama to the Supreme Court.
Echoing Briane:
““No one sensible ought to be willing to support a person of bad character, a person of low intelligence, a person manifestly unprincipled, or a person lacking in a sophisticated understanding of government policy. No one of normal intelligence ought to be willing to support an obvious charlatan, a shameless liar, a vulgarian, or a bully.â€
OK, so you’ve described Hillary. Who are you going to vote for?”
BTW, is that a current pic of her? At 65 she looks pretty hot!
T. Shaw
I’m an independent. The GOP left me 24 years ago. The morons continue to send letters asking for $$$ because, in desperation after eight years of Clinton, I sent money for Dubya’s campaign.
I would have voted for Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, or Huckabee (yuck).
I will vote for Trump. I may give him some $$$. The women I know, that aren’t Obama-worshiping imbeciles, are hard corps Trump supporters.
I voted for both Bushes, McCain and Romney. George H. W. was (what?) too polite or cowardly to tell the American people who and what is Slick Willy? Dubya (and Hillary) gave us the Iraq War, Medicare Part D, and “no child left behind” – was any of that conservative? . . . McCain and the rest have given Obama everything he ever dreamt. Romney gave America early Obamacare in Massachusetts – he is conservative and I identify myself as Napoleon. I will never vote for such bums again.
I haven’t read a bit of Noonan’s nonsense since 2008. She is one of the many (others included gun control and open borders) reasons I ended my WSJ subscription.
Well said, T. Shaw. I completely agree. There hasn’t been a conservative in the White House or running as a republican since – well, probably ever. Even Reagan gave us amnesty as president, and as governor of CA, severe gun control.
Bums is right.
Maggie's Farm
Saturday morning links
First Evidence of Humans in North America Found Off Florida, New Study Says. ​The stuff dates back to 14,500 years ago. Score one for underwater archaeology. CONGRATS MINIMUM WAGE STRIKERS! Wendy’s Now Moving To SELF-SERVICE KIOSKS Tech stocks ma
As Charles Murray, a self-avowed #NeverTrump, points out in this post, with the minor exception of Reagan on regulation and Reagan and Clinton(under the influence of the Gingrich Congress) on spending, there isn’t really any difference between Republicans and Democrats.
So what is this mythical “principled” Conservative they speak of?
On the other hand, pragmatically in this election, enumerated rights and civil liberties are far more likely to suffer under Clinton than Trump.
And as #NeverTrump keeps pointing out, Trump isn’t a “real” Republican, but Clinton is the definition of a Democrat, so now for something completely different.
If the US could ally with Stalin to defeat the Nazis, conservatives might be able to ally with Trump to beat the Democrats.
I try to tell people this same thing. Of course, I then go on to point out how much worse Stalin was than Hitler and how one should be careful what one wishes for. “How could Trump possibly be any worse than the rest of these clowns?” is a question you might not like the answer to when you find out just how vast and deep is the sea of “worse”.
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