J. Duncan Barry, on Facebook, explains why the majority of the British people voted as they did.
This Canadian reaction typifies a mental and moral attitude which helps to explain the ‪#‎Brexit‬ victory:
[MACLEANS:] “There is a growing realization in many corners of the U.K. that the EU referendum should never have been called in the first place. Unlike the national sovereignty debates of Scotland and even Quebec, which were largely dependent on a people’s sense of cultural identity, the question of EU membership and whether it truly benefits Britain is exceedingly complex, fantastically dull, hugely important, and exactly the sort of thing policy-makers are elected to decide so normal people don’t have to.”
It’s pretty simple, isn’t it? Normal people want a say in the unfolding of their own lives. At least normal English folk do. The whole approach to the living of one’s own life embodied by the EU is antithetical to the deepest roots of the Anglo experience.
Great Britain is not Europe. Duh. It’s called “diversity.” Not every culture has to be emulsified into one, huge, swirling Euro-mess. And I am already mourning the loss of regional European micro-cultures that are being swept up into the (vastly irrational) reasoning machine that Brussels pretends to be. And I’m quite confident that they’ll realize this sooner or later. The larger financial realities do not bode well for the Brussels contraption, so it will be interesting to see how long they endure the pain they inflict on themselves.
I would argue that as soon as *we* can find a constructive way to secede from America’s comparable tyranny of a controlling, élite minority, that we’ll find a similar, healthy detachment from a way of thinking and a way of life that goes against the grain of everything we gained from the Magna Carta to the Declaration of Independence. And the sooner the better!

Dan Kurt
Hey jdz, does this Brexit make you think again about Trump’s chances to win in November? Or are you still feeling the NRO panic to stop the Donald?
Dan Kurt
I’m not against a revolt from the rule of the urban coastal elites. I just require a much better qualified leader.
Trump has made several very presidential speeches lately.
Do you really think Trump would be a worse president than the current boy president– you know the former community organizer?
I know that’s setting the bar incredibly low, but then that’s apparently where we are as a country.
Seattle Sam
It’s a shame we can’t have referenda on the issues that Trump raises instead of having a referendum on Trump. The “Thatcher Revolution” would not have happened in the UK if he, rather than she, had been the candidate.
You go to war with the army you have.
There are no perfect candidates. I sympathize with those who wish the anti-Hillary forces had another standard bearer, but I don’t agree with them when they chose to sit out the election.
I look at this from a broad perspective. I believe Trump will try to act in what he believes are America’s best interests. With Hillary, experience proves she will not.
I don’t care if Trump pays himself a salary to run. Why shouldn’t he? Hillary buys and sells her office for gain.
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