Marni Morse
Paul Mirengoff forwards poignant excerpts from a student letter to the Daily Princetonian.
. . .I crawled into bed and cried for reasons I still [can’t] quite put into words, falling asleep before the election was called.
In the morning, I woke up to a New York Times news alert and social media feeds filled with disappointment. The United States had democratically elected a man who, among so many other despicable qualities and policies, is accused of and boasts about committing sexual assault.
As a woman passionate about gender equality, women’s leadership, and ending sexual violence; as someone dedicated to the Clinton campaign and ready to make history; and, quite frankly, as a human being, I didn’t know how to process this.
I still don’t. I felt for my friends and anyone who feels that this result puts their safety and their loved ones’ safety at risk, acknowledging that I am not the person this outcome will affect the most.
I didn’t leave my room Wednesday morning. I sat and sobbed and I still have the tissues all over my floor to prove it. When I absolutely had to get up for class, I put on my “Dare to say the F-word: Feminism†t-shirt and my “A woman belongs in the House and the Senate†sweatshirt to make myself feel stronger. Still crying, I left my room.
Ironically, she titled her letter “Stronger Together.”

After reading this childish rant,I seriously want to slap both of her parents silly. How does one get accepted to Princeton,or any other University, with the maturity level of an 8th grader?
Seattle Sam
She’ll be okay. Pajama Boy is still looking for a partner.
Dan Kurt
I ask, what in tarnation is the bitch doing at Princeton? Note: I am not implying she is stupid and does not have the minimum brains to benefit from an elite university experience. I really would like to know what exactly she is doing with her time there? Is she an activist of some sort primarily and playing at studying secondarily or is she actually studying something? If she is studying something, is that subject(s) anything of intellectual worth?
Dan Kurt
She is blind to reality. She is a college student whining about haw bad she thinks women are treated. Is she simply unaware that women are a majority of college students? This is no accident it is easier for women to get federal and state funding for college and easier for them to be accepted due to their gender.
Women vote more than mend do. Women are always favored in court in domestic violence disputes. Women commit 68% of domestic violence. Most/many claims of domestic violence are false/frauds. It is so common that divorce lawyers consistently advise female clients to seek a restraining order against the husband to insure a more favorable divorce result for them.
The gender wage disparity meme has been debunked numerous times. Women are treated as a special class in disputes with employers while men have to accept whatever the employer decides with little recourse. Title IX has destroyed a number of formerly popular men’s college sports while offering women’s rowing and volleyball to meet mandated goals.
She seems totally unaware of what is really going on in life.
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