05 Feb 2017

Free Syrian Army Insurgent Takes out T72 Tank by Putting a Grenade Down its Barrel

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3 Feedbacks on "Free Syrian Army Insurgent Takes out T72 Tank by Putting a Grenade Down its Barrel"


Bad side of the story: they were saying, all the time: Allahu akbar…

bob sykes

The FSA is an al-Qaida terrorist group, closely related to the 9/11 terrorists. We invaded Afghanistan because of these monsters. And yet, our government is so deranged, we actually finance them and give them weapons. Weapons that are used against the only secular state in the Middle East.

Old Salt

I should know better but I’m always shocked by how bad Arab armies and militias really are.

A T-72, alone with no support looking the wrong way. Just amazing. Even these idiots could take it out.

And those tanks were simply the worst design ever – all the spare ammo is in the turrent with the crew so when that grenade exploded, a dozen main gun rounds cooked off.


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