Yale Classmate Seattle Sam writes:
I created a course that I think will be in next year’s Yale course catalog.
Math for the Social Justice Major
Mathematics was devised by old white men who sought to oppress the uneducated masses. In this course we will explore a more empathetic approach to the subject.
The course will explore questions such as:
How does the number 6 make you feel?
If John has 6 marbles and Sue has 2, isn’t that unfair?
How can there be any “incorrect†answers?
Isn’t identifying a number as “positive†or negative†stereotyping?
If you identify with 5 more than 4, why shouldn’t that be a solution to 2+2=?
What did Euclid know and when did he know it?
Isn’t a null set non-inclusive?
What should you do if the solution to an equation make you feel unsafe?
Shouldn’t we just deem the Parallel Postulate proved?
What’s the point of carrying pi out to more than two decimals?
Aren’t < and > judgmental symbols?
Who are you to determine that a fraction is improper?
Why do you think prime numbers have only a token even member?
Why shouldn’t an inverse tangent have the same value as a cosine?
Aren’t right angles reactionary?
Are there really any absolute values?
Why should binomials and polynomials be considered deviants?
Isn’t a Real Number just your perception?
Just because a number can’t be expressed as a ratio of integers, why should it be called irrational?

Since it’s well known that the (white) Greeks stole math from the Africans who invented it , wouldn’t any math course constitute cultural appropriation ?
jim murray
2+2=5 for large values of 2.
Bravo! Finally, someone had the guts to say it! :)
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