03 Apr 2017

Dems Playing a Losing Hand in Phony Russiagate Scandal

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Kurt Schlichter (who has been on a roll lately) predicts the outcome of the fabricated Russiagate scandal.

If you’re stressed out about this whole Russian nonsense, relax – Donald Trump didn’t do anything wrong, and he’s not going be impeached, arrested, or ritually disemboweled. When the truth comes out and it explodes in the Democrats’ soft, girlish hands, we’ll all be laughing and toasting their humiliation with Stoli shots.

How do I know this with utter certainty? Because it’s all so glaringly obvious, and it’s the only scenario that fits the facts. As Hugh Hewitt says, this scandal has three silos. The first silo is the question of whether the Russians somehow “hacked our election.” The second silo is whether any Trump people “colluded” with the Russians. The third silo, the one patriots care most about since it’s the one that isn’t a ridiculous fantasy, is whether anyone in Obama’s administration used our intelligence apparatus to spy on his and Hillary’s political opponents. The answers are “No,” “No,” and “Yes.” The end results are going to be a stronger Trump, weaker Democrats, and various Obama minions exploring new career opportunities in the exciting fields of license plate-making, large-to-small rock transformation, and artisanal pruno distilling.

Read the whole thing.

One Feedback on "Dems Playing a Losing Hand in Phony Russiagate Scandal"

Seattle Sam

When you’re dealt a hand with ten high, you can either fold or try to bluff your way through.

But look at the logic from the Democrat point of view:

A. Trump and his minions are despicable people who drown kittens.
B. Obama and his people are noble and heroic.

Ergo, it seems likelier that Trump “colluded with the Russians”.


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