05 Dec 2017

Native Americans Back on the Warpath at Yale

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The Oldest College Daily reports that hula dancing by unauthorized persons is a problem.

The Association of Native Americans at Yale this weekend condemned Shaka, an all-female Polynesian dance group, for appropriating Hawaiian and Tahitian culture and demanded that the group disband.

In a letter posted to its Facebook page Saturday afternoon, ANAAY condemned Shaka for “sexualizing and homogenizing Native [American] peoples, misrepresenting and erasing histories and political realities, and attempting to depoliticize inherently political culture and communities under colonial subjugation.”


If shimmying in a grass skirt is “cultural appropriation,” how come spouting Marxist BS isn’t?

6 Feedbacks on "Native Americans Back on the Warpath at Yale"


Cultural appropriation is yet another progressive, liberal concept used to control, subjugate, and even criminalize those who fail to acknowledge their power.

If it was real, why do African Americans wear suits, and straighten their hair? Why are folks other than Irish and Scottish allowed to play the bagpipes.

It’s total horse crap, and people imposing this pc crap should be attacked in court.

Seattle Sam

I know every time I have fried chicken and watermelon I feel white guilt.


Back in the day we would have said these folks just need to get laid.

Soren K

This whole cultural appropriation discussion misses a fundamental point about economics. , namely supply and demand. The actions… be they cooking food a style seen as endemic to a specific country, or shimmying in a grass skirt would wither and die away without a demand for these things. Of course a free society will see an unmet demand and fill it with product.

If ANAAY (boy why can’t that be ANNOY?) doesn’t like it… get out on the floor and compete and do it better. Win the market competition for shimmying.

That’s how it’s done.


More of their brilliant plan to make friends and get votes, let them continue!


The left creates these perfect crimes that they can throw around at their enemies to win where they cannot possibly win in the debate on ideas and truth. Sexual harassment, racism, cultural appropriation, Islamophobia, homophobia, etc. Simply making the charge is sufficient to destroy the “victim”. If the victim resists then they are treated to an inquisition by the MSM. As long as we fall for this it will work.


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