We had hired a local Amish crew last Summer to install a new steel roof on the 1812 log cabin. Naturally, they finally showed up to work the day following our first six inch snowfall of the season, and even a bit of snow falling that day did not keep them from working.
We are both retired now, so we are finally getting to stay full-time out here at the 300-acre Central Pennsylvania farm we purchased as a vacation place thirty years ago.
Karen’s photos are here.

I hired an Amish company to build my garage / workshop. One day to grade, excavate the footings and slab support, do the mesh and rebar work. Inspected by the town the next day, poured, finished, polished floor by the end of the day. A week later a crew of seven shows up, along with a flatbed of materials. Nine hours later, a finished 16 x 22 building, including a raftered roof, no trusses for me. They forgot to bring the overhead door, but they came back at 5:30 the next morning and installed it, gone before 7:00. I’ll hire them again to build my sunroom on the back of my house this coming fall. Absolutely the most wonderful, friendly people to work with.
Dan Kurt
Two Points:
You don’t have enough wood unless there is more not in the photo.
Hope your chimney is lined with a stainless steel inner pipe. You don’t want a chimney fire which are so common in rotten ancient brick chimneys. If it isn’t have an Amish contractor place an exterior hung double walled stainless steel chimney on the building.
Dan Kurt
The roof has a 50-year guarantee. I used to start a chimney fire in my 1712 house chimney pretty regularly every year. It burned out when the creosote was gone. Karen complained when I got one going last year, so I started tossing a packet of chimney cleaner in the fire now and then.
Nice that the Amish guy didn’t object to being photographed. They sometimes do.
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