21 Dec 2017

The Horror, the Horror!


One Feedback on "The Horror, the Horror!"

Seattle Sam

After a year of President Trump, I feel about him the way Apple shareholders felt about Steve Jobs. I understand that Steve Jobs was a nasty person, but I doubt if many shareholders wish he hadn’t been the CEO. Similarly, I’m willing to put up with almost anyone who could accomplish the following in one year:

1. Enable the stock market to add $2 Trillion in value.
2. Enable the manufacturing index to reach a 33-year high
3. Reduce the rate of illegal immigration
4. Put a constitutionalist on the Supreme Court
5. Make out corporate tax rates world competitive again
6. Get the government to stop regulating the Internet like an electric utility
7. Repeal the Obamacare mandate
8. Reduce silly regulations
9. Get the Keystone pipeline moving
10. Severely reduce ISIS capabilities

With the possible exception of #10 and #3, None of this would have happened during a Clinton administration.

And I’m leaving out the warm feelings I get watching liberals melt down.


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