reports that an academic study finds that people become more racist and homophobic when they have been drinking.
Alcohol acts as an ‘igniter’ to people expressing their prejudices in the form of violent hate crime, researches from Cardiff University said.
They interviewed 124 people attending accident and emergency with injuries from violence in three multicultural British cities.
Of these, drunkenness accounted for 90%, while 23 victims considered themselves to have been attacked by people motivated by prejudice.
Seven said their appearance was the motive, five claimed racial tensions within the community was to blame, three mentioned where they live and eight were attributed to the race, religion or sexual orientation of the victims.
Too bad they did not identify the “victims” by heritage.
Dick the Butcher
Work The Curse Of The Drinking Class.
So, BBC covers up majority-on-minority violence like CNN, MSNBC, et al cover up hajji terror attacks?
Steve Gregg
The media work harder not to report the inconvenient news than to report the news.
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