05 Feb 2018

Leaving the Republic, Entering the Age of Caesars and the Proscription of Opponents


Victor Davis Hanson succinctly sums it up.

If all this is not a scandal — then the following protocols are now considered permissible in American electoral practice and constitutional jurisprudence: An incumbent administration can freely use the FBI and the DOJ to favor one side in a presidential election, by buying its opposition research against the other candidate, using its own prestige to authenticate such a third-party oppositional dossier, and then using it to obtain court-ordered wiretaps on American citizens employed by a candidate’s campaign — and do so by deliberately misleading the court about the origins and authors of the dossier that was used to obtain the warrants.


One Feedback on "Leaving the Republic, Entering the Age of Caesars and the Proscription of Opponents"


But don’t forget that they are indeed getting away with it. Mueller is still investigating Trump creating a shadow over his ability to govern. The Democrats and MSM are standing side bu side in trashing Trump. The coming election will most likely go to the Democrats so they can cover this all up and save the criminals from the big house.


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