The REAL Reason Barack Obama Was Touting The Saudi-Funded Global Warming/Climate Change Hysteria
The Saudis (as well as Russia and China) spent billions of dollars in media propaganda, university funding, political donations, United Nations funding etc. during Barack Obama’s eight years in office to further push the global warming agenda. None of that effort had anything to do with global warming/climate change though. It had everything to do with trying to stop this from happening:

Seattle Sam
Precisely. If Obama had been a bit more candid, his campaign slogan would have been, “Keep America From Becoming Great Again”.
Knowing the truth about things is not always easy. My rule of thumb is that when the left/Democrats all say the same things that they are lying. When some on the rightRepublicans say the same things as the Democrats then they are lying. When half of the Republicans say one thing and half say another the half with John McCain or Susan Collins are lying. And of course when anyone agrees with one of the known lying groups, be they lawyers, scientists or school teachers they too are lying. I believe my method is more accurate than a lie detector would be.
Let's Review 52: Godfather IV Edition - American Digest
[…] Never Yet Melted ï½» Why Obama Pushed Climate Change Catastrophism So Hard […]
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