From James Albert Stringer:
Woman #1: I don’t think I have ever met a man who is an extreme Leftie Democrat who isn’t a complete pussy. Why is it that virtually all males whose sentiments lay at that end of the political spectrum all seem to be girly men, gay, 98-pound weaklings, failures at business, librarians, fops, Ned Flanders, Hollywood entertainers who would not be employed otherwise, or ankle-biting sycophants? I’ve never met a man who calls himself a “feminist” or supports OxFam to be the least bit attractive. Is there a connection between low testosterone and supporting Libtard causes?

Al Martin
Awww, come on. Lay off the Librarians. I just retired after 20 years as a Librarian. Now I have to supplement my meager retirement by working part time as a firearms and personal defense in the home instructor. I’m NRA certified and, of course, I’m a member. I’m 75 yrs old. The Library career was my second or third, depending on how you look at it. A lot of Librarians are Conservative. They read a lot.
Yeah! What’s wrong with librarians?
Yeah, soy milk. They all drink it, except librarians, who drink Whole Milk, not that 2% shit!
Spurt Reynolds
Women and society need real men.
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