10 Apr 2018

They’ve Got a Warrant

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4 Feedbacks on "They’ve Got a Warrant"


I am not a lawyer but I have some suggestions for the president and the stupid party. 1st; fire Rosenstein. In fact clean house at the DOJ and the top FBI. 2nd appoint a special prosecutor with few restrictions to investigate the fake Russian collusion meme AND Mueller for his collusion in a deep state effort to overthrow a legally elected president. 3rd; the next Democrat president that gets elected the outgoing president through the DOJ/AG appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his/her illegal actions in the election and for the last 20 years or so.

Seattle Sam

I guess I must not understand something. If I completed a hostile takeover of ACME Corp., I would replace all the old department heads with people I chose and trusted. I would not have people hostile to me in their positions a year after I took over.

Dick the Butcher

Imagine there is no liberal. It isn’t hard to do.

Spurt Reynolds

I can’t wait for these gestapo practices to back fire in the2020 elections and see Trump win in a huge GOP landslide.

Then will a huge majority in the house and senate we replace 2 or 3 more liberal Supreme Court Justices and get rid of all the liberal BS that has built up over the last 30 – 50 years.

Lots of heads are going to fall at the DOJ and the FBI in the next year or two also.

Go, Fight, Win!


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