Peaceful Palestinian Demonstrators.
Dan Greenfield offers helpful advice to non-violent protestors which could save their lives.
The following is intended to serve as a useful guide to various activists, protesters and other completely non-violent folk who happen to be packing knives, guns, rocks and grenades. You will encounter various law enforcement and military personnel– this is how not to get shot by them.
First of all it’s important to remember that if you attack an armed man in a uniform, he will very probably shoot you.
Even given the most restrictive Rules of Engagement in the world which forbid him from opening fire unless he is outnumbered 600 to 1, and only when he has been given specific authorization by the UN to use deadly force– there will still come a time when he will open fire on you. This will occur when he feels that he or his comrades are in danger. At this point there will be bullets headed your way, and no matter what you learned at your Madrassa or in Protest Studies at Evergreen State High University, you are not bulletproof. Really, you’re not.
The good news is that there is a very easy way not to get shot.
Step 1. Don’t attack soldiers.
Step 2. When in doubt, see Step 1.
That means not trying to disembowel them with your peaceful knife and not throwing rocks at their head. Because while you might think that legal activism includes attempted murder, the men in uniform think that attempted murder should result in sudden death. And when that happens you will realize that fanatical passion for your poorly thought out cause and a medieval weapon are no match for trained soldiers who have guns and know how to use them.

Seattle Sam
A few more tips:
1. If your principal ambition in life is to be a martyr, attack soldiers with a knife.
2. If you think Allah will reward you with 72 virgins for killing Infidels, attack soldiers with a knife.
3. If your mush mind tells you that Jews are the source of all your troubles, attack soldiers with a knife.
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