30 May 2018

Roseanne Wasn’t the First

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Mark Dice demonstrates that you can compare some people to apes without getting fired.

One Feedback on "Roseanne Wasn’t the First"


You can say whatever you want to say about Trump or any white man (dough boy, peckerwood, whitey, cracker). But if you say anything about a person of color you are toast. Why? Because the people of color have co-opted the language and culture for their own benefit. This, attack on Roseann, was bullying, hate, getting even for unspecified wrongs of the past, etc. Nothing more, nothing less. Had she been a liberal Democrat the MSM would be imitating crickets today. This will continue until we stop it.

As for the comparison, I saw the similarity when VJ first appeared in public. Didn’t tweet it or say anything but she looks like the made up person in Planet of the Apes. I have no idea if the makeup artist was racist or VJ’s parents were racists or who made it all happen. All I know is you/we are not allowed to notice it. Kinda like when you are introduced to someone with a big red pimple on their nose you keep looking at it and looking away trying not to notice.


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