31 May 2018

“The Permanent Adolescence of the American Left”

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Steve McCann has really got the American left nailed.

Donald Trump’s remarkable and unpredicted victory in 2016 unleashed perhaps the pinnacle of all unintended consequences. By their ongoing nonsensical reaction to the Trump victory, the American left has exposed and validated their irrationality, obliviousness, and immaturity. As an immigrant to the United States, and thus a sideline spectator of the panorama that is American society, and someone who has spent most of his adult life in the field of international finance, I have been fascinated by the characteristics of the American left as compared to its counterparts in the rest of the world – and why the vast majority of Americans, who are essentially conservative or moderate, not only tolerate, but acquiesce to the left’s temper tantrums and manipulation of the culture.

On the surface, there may appear to be similarities to the left in other nations; however, when it comes to the motivation and personality quirks, it is only the left in Britain that bears any resemblance to the American left. In fact, the American version consistently denigrates “old white guys” as the scourge of humanity while ostensibly promoting the philosophy of “old white guys” such as Hobbes, Hegel, and Marx. In reality, American leftism is a unique amalgamation of socialism, Darwinism, and oligarchism requiring an army of foot soldiers who dwell in a state of permanent adolescence.

Among the traits of those in their adolescent years is the conviction that they are always right and the rest of the world is wrong – that they are, in fact, much smarter than those silly and inane adults around them. However, being part of the in crowd is really, really important, thus they must look for guidance to the cool guys to establish what they are supposed to believe in. And, as in the fairy tales relayed to them while in childhood as well as their current enthrallment with movies based on comic book heroes, there will always be some monolithic entity to rescue them and ensure joy and happiness. Therein are the basic personality parameters of the rank and file of the modern American left.

Read the whole thing.

One Feedback on "“The Permanent Adolescence of the American Left”"

Seattle Sam

“However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to be a victim in 21st-century America, therefore new categories of victimhood must constantly be fostered, and the old categories never resolved.”

This is one of the most telling (and most predictable) aspects of leftism. Having long ago resolved racism as a legal matter, they now must redefine racism as having “unconscious bias” or using phrases like “cotton-picking”. The outrage is no less (possibly more) than when blacks were denied voting rights or had to use separate drinking fountains. Leftists must always see themselves as struggling against some oppression. As real oppressions disappear, they will invent new ones to fortify their righteousness.

We are now reaching the Orwellian state where Wrongthink is the ultimate crime. It is a condition that can never be fixed, so requires ever greater levels of policing. The University of Michigan has an $11MM payroll for their “diversity department”. God only knows what Starbucks is now spending to right their WrongThink.


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