Jonathan Zwickel agrees that the Seattle Freeze is real. What would you expect, he contends, from a city like Seattle? Home to a growing population of gloomy, narcissistic left-wing hipsters, self-entitled and with a chip on every shoulder.
“Seattle is a moody college kid still figuring out whether to get a job or hitchhike across Europe.”
If Seattleites are not especially welcoming, it’s for good reason. This place is hemmed in by towering mountains and imposing bodies of water, and blanketed by climatic gloom nine months of the year. Sublime as it is, the environment can punish the human spirit. Only the hardy survive, and the ones who put down roots are rightfully wary of those who haven’t put in the time yet. There isn’t a lot of room. We’re fighting for limited resources. Keep the bastards out. Give ‘em the Freeze. If you make it through, maybe you, too, deserve to stay.
The Freeze strives to preserve in an age of gratuitous consumption. You can call it good or bad but that misses the point. It simply is. Respect it or go back to California. It took me years after arriving to reach a détente with the fundamental, dour flavor of this place. I’ll never be considered a local — “I grew here, you flew here†are words someone actually said to me once — nor am I the true Northwesterner who’s only happy when he’s miserable. Still, this place is home.
I have succumbed to the petty, particular virtue of this place and now I’m OK with it, which is possibly the most Seattle thing I’ve ever written.
They can keep Seattle, and the rest of the Left Coast, as far as I’m concerned.

The lefties can keep Seattle and I’ll keep my straws.
My sister went to college in Seattle and stayed. That was 35 years ago and Seattle was pretty nice. Then the Californians started moving in and what you see is the result of that.
Seattle Sam
In just the 20 years I’ve been here, Seattle has turned into a leftist cesspool. In Seattle you can no longer rent your property to the person you judge to be the best tenant. You must rent to the first person who shows up. So if a sexual predator with no job and a history of evictions is ahead of someone with a spotless record, you cannot choose the latter. Actually, you wouldn’t know about the criminal record because you’re prohibited from researching that.
The Seattle City Council is controlled by a woman who has declared that Jeff Bezos (Amazon) is “the enemy” and thinks the Machinists Union at Boeing should “seize the company” for “democratic ownership”.
Meanwhile when you walk the streets of Seattle you dodge human filth and spent syringes on the sidewalks. And that’s before they open the government sponsored heroin shooting centers.
Meanwhile the King County Prosecutor brags about Washington state’s low incarceration rate. That’s because he won’t prosecute criminals. Recently a man kidnapped his biological child and drove the 5-year-old through a high-speed car chase. Because his 53 arrests and 10 felony convictions weren’t sufficient to warrant keeping him in prison.
Seattle has become the last brick in the Left Coast Wall of Stupid.
Andrew B
Lived in Seattle for two years back in the late 1980s. I found it a very, very strange place even then. All I could think was that it was a haven for people for whom California was too normal. I also found the people to range from indifferent to actively hostile most of the time. I grew to prefer indifferent. Having grown up in New York, I saw a level of incivility that would be unthinkable in New York. If a store employee in New York had repeatedly rammed a customer with a cart full of books (as happened to me in Seattle) rather than ask them to step aside, there would have been holy hell. Instead, all I got was a shrug. Glad to see that the whole city is circling the drain. But I hope they can salvage the micro-breweries.
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