A conservative on Facebook summarizes the facts of the Russian Collusion scandal.
…let’s talk about the facts as we know them.
German bank records prove the funding chain from the DNC and Hillary campaign through Perkins-Coie and managing partner Marc Elias to Fusion GPS and on to Chris Steele. And the Russians. And there were reporters on the payroll too.
So we have collaboration between the very top of the blues and Russians via a complex hidden funding scheme.
We know that the Michael Isikoff story on Yahoo News which was used as partial justification for the warrants was leaked to Isikoff by Chris Steele directly.
We know Steele hated Trump and made it his mission to ensure he wasn’t elected.
We know that Strzok and Page spoke of an insurance policy in case Trump was elected, and they spoke of it in Andrew McCabe’s office.
We know that the dossier and Yahoo News story plus a letter from Harry Reid that originated from the dossier were the basis of all the FISA warrant applications.
We know the FBI paid Steele directly also, in addition to what he got from Fusion.
We know the dossier was unverified, not obtained through U.S. intelligence activities, and paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign. And that neither fact was disclosed to the Court. And that neither fact was disclosed to Trump as a candidate, as President-elect, or as President.
We know the warrants also named George Papadopoulos and the Trump Campaign in addition to Carter Page. We know that when Trump said that Obama was surveilling him at Trump Tower and the media laughed, that he was being surveilled.
We know that Rice and Power unmasked over a hundred people recorded in the surveillance.
We know that Lisa Page texted to Peter Strzok that “POTUS wants to know everything we’re doing.”
We know Obama knew all about Russian meddling, Trump had no idea, and Team Obama did nothing to stop it or tell anyone.
We know Comey pre-exonerated Hillary and granted immunity to five senior advisers and two IT staff who wiped her server.
We know Obama wrote to Hillary on her private server using an alias even though he claimed not to know about it.
We know the DNC via Bob Creamer staged every act of violence at Trump rallies.
We know the DNC rigged and stole the primary for Hillary.
We know there was a shredding party at State one weekend.
We know Comey leaked his classified notes to the New York Times.
We know that Comey did not tell Trump the truth about the dossier.
We know that the warrants were renewed multiple times without any updated information (i.e. surveillance yielded nothing).
We know McCabe leaked and lied about it and that he was compromised by the large donation from Hillary bagman Terry McAuliffe to his wife’s Democratic Virginia Senate campaign.
We know that Carter Page is not a spy as he was never charged and the surveillance ended.
We know Lynch and Bill Clinton met inappropriately in Phoenix two days before Comey exonerated Hillary. We know Lynch was lying when she said she did not know what Comey was going to say before he said it.
We know Lynch personally issued an extraordinary visa waiver to Putin Stoogette Natalia Veselnitskaya after she was denied a visa in Moscow so she could get in to attend the staged meeting at Trump Tower with the President’s son and son-in-law. And that shortly thereafter she was a front-row guest at a Congressional hearing, sitting next to Obama’s Ambassador to Russia.
We know piles of cash flowed to the Clintons after the sale of Uranium One. We know Bob Mueller had uncovered massive Russian corruption with regard to U. S. uranium BEFORE the sale, that Eric Holder knew about it and signed off anyway, and that the Maryland prosecutor who sat on the charges until the sale was complete was Rod Rosenstein.
We know that George Papadopoulos was baited and hooked by Alexander Downer, and invited to London to allow Downer to get him drunk and report it to the FBI, which is why Papadopoulos was named in the warrants, and that Downer had just overseen the Australian $11M donation to the Clinton Foundation.
We know Paul Manafort’s crimes date from 2006 and have zero to do with Russian collaboration OR Trump.
We know Flynn did not lie as there is no one who says he did. He pleaded guilty because the legal fight had bankrupted him. They still haven’t sentenced him.
We know Peter Strzok was personal friends with Judge Rudy Contreras, a FISA judge and the one who accepted the Flynn plea before he was recused without explanation. We know Lisa Page planned a fake dinner party so Peter and Rudy could talk without arousing suspicion.
We know Brennan and Clapper were part and parcel of the whole thing. Clapper’s starting to blame Obama now.
Let me know which Reds might be hit. I know of none and the 400 pages of FISA documents don’t provide any new names.”

Seattle Sam
We also know that James Comey delivered his Hillary “pass” when he did to ensure that after she became President she could dismiss calls for further investigation as “already settled”.
So why don’t we go on the offensive?
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