18 Oct 2018

Sears Used to Sell Schoolhouses

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I knew that Sears a hundred years ago would sell you a kit to build a house, but a schoolhouse? Amazing.

HT: Iowahawk.

2 Feedbacks on "Sears Used to Sell Schoolhouses"

Seattle Sam

I worked a lot with Sears (not as an employee) back in the 80s and 90s. The place was full of people over their heads and who didn’t have a strategic bone in their bodies. Sears had some tremendous equities that they squandered in pursuit of some fantasies about who they were (anyone remember The Softer Side of Sears?). Part of me says they got what they deserved. Another part is very sad.


Meh, Sears probably expected you to get your own bricks. Seriously, so many of the Old White Farmhouses around here are so very much alike that I think Sears sold a *lot* of those house kits.


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