22 Nov 2018

The Real Meaning of Thanksgiving Via Buffy

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One Feedback on "The Real Meaning of Thanksgiving Via Buffy"

Schill McGuffin

Definitely with Spike on this one. I’ve also become annoyed with the insistence by the PC crowd on asserting that Thanksgiving is somehow about the Pilgrims and colonialism/native genocide/racism, etc. Thanksgiving is what its name implies — a day for counting one’s blessings, and by extension celebrating with the family and friends who typically represent the core of those blessings. The evocation of the Pilgrims is merely a sort of historic example — the first such day celebrated by colonists in the New World, and an occasion on which natives and colonists gathered peacefully for the purpose. If one is horribly troubled by that example, one is quite free to exclude it, and it invalidates the holiday itself not a whit.


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