Perigold has very nice, and quite expensive lamps, and it also sells books for entirely decorative purposes, grouped by color and style of binding.
Above we see 50 book (five linear feet of them) in green. You can get red and blue and beige and even colorful dust jacketed books! Perfect for morons who do not read.

Many years ago at Elder’s Bookshop in Nashville, a lady was browsing the shelves when old Mr. Elder asked if he could help. “Yes,” she said, “I’m looking for some green books.” “Excuse me?” he asked. As she perused the exquisite collection of classic and historic tomes, she repeated, “Green books, I’m decorating my house and need green books to match.” The normally kind and quiet Mr. Elder began to tremble and could barely contain his rage as he shouted, “Get out, and never come back!”
Didn’t Daisy compliment Gatsby’s beautiful (although uncut and unread) books? “Nuff said.
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