18 Apr 2019

Bear Skull, Human Skull, Broken Rifle

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An interesting old photo of Bill Pinnell, half of the famous Pinnell and Tallifson Kodiak bear guides.

Alaska hunting guide Phil Shoemaker:

This photo was found under his bunk after his passing and the speculation is that it was simply one of his pranks.
Living in the same type of wild country, just across the Shelikov straights from Kodiak, I considered posing a similar scene with one of the old bear skulls we have found and a human skull we found at a WWII airplane wreck.

One Feedback on "Bear Skull, Human Skull, Broken Rifle"


There is a story of an old Alaskan living way back in the woods in the 1930’s who would from time to time provide Government biologists with brown bear skulls. He would get a $2 bounty for each one and that kept him in spending money. The biologists simply didn’t have enough data on the brown bears so both parties were happy. One day a biologist came by the old man’s cabin and there were a dozen or so brown bear skulls waiting for him. He couldn’t resist asking how he was able to hunt them so well. The old timer took out a old .22 revolver and said that he would sneak up on them and shoot them in the ear.

I understand that the story is true, not sure if the old timer spoke the truth though.


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