“O brave new world, That has such people in’t!”
How many years of school? How many hours a week working? For this?
But, hey! they get access to all the great SF restaurants!
HT: Vandeleun.

08 Jul 2019
$1200-a-Month Pod Living in San FranciscoDystopian Present, Millennials, Pods, Real Estate, San Francisco, Tech Industry![]() “O brave new world, That has such people in’t!” How many years of school? How many hours a week working? For this? But, hey! they get access to all the great SF restaurants! HT: Vandeleun. ![]() ![]() Feeds
This is really an old idea. We had them in college (45 years ago) but we called them “dorms†or “living halls,†– a niche with a bunk, some shared bathrooms and some shared living areas.
bob sykes
There is a Darwinian upside to this. The denizens of the pods will never reproduce. They are effectively dead.
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