07 Oct 2019

The New Normal

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Alexander Belisle, July 4th Parade #2.

Kevin D. Williamson:

The trauma of 9/11, the divisions of the Iraq War, and the fearful disorientation of the financial crisis left Americans agitated and anxious — but not in a way that put them in the mood for another return to normalcy. The pendulum began to swing madly: The trauma of the Bush years begat the Obama presidency; the radicalism of the Obama presidency begat Trump; the radicalism of Trump (which is not, for the most part, a matter of policy) begat . . . much that is undesirable: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “resistance,” and the mainstreaming of socialism as a basic current of the Democratic party; Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in a crazypants radicalism arms race over whether we should confiscate the accumulated savings of the affluent at a rate of 2 percent a year or at a rate of 8 percent a year; a turn toward a politics of implacable hatred and demagoguery in both of the major political parties.

It is sobering to realize that there are young Americans serving in Afghanistan today who had not been born on September 11, 2001, who have only known post-9/11 politics and a post-9/11 America, with all the angst and paranoia that goes along with them. This profoundly abnormal period in our history is their normal, the only world they have ever known. For them, there is no return to normalcy and no possibility of it. “The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.” These young Americans were not around to hear all those fine speeches about how turning away from our national ethos of liberty and citizenship, turning toward fear and hatred and turning against each other, would mean, in the inescapable phrase of the time, that “the terrorists have won.”


One Feedback on "The New Normal"


I agree somewhat except I believe that this is mostly the result of Obama policies and things his administration did (many of which we are just now beginning to become aware of). Another major factor is that the Democrats have gone off the far left cliff. The problem the Trump administration is encountering is while exposing the Prior administrations crimes and corruption they are facing determined coverup by Lawfare and craziness from the Democrats in congress. Any Republican president would be facing this today but most Republicans would choose to not fight back rather then get into the mud with the crazy Democrats. Trump is unafraid which only makes the Democrats fight dirtier and more radical.
To the less aware person or anti-Trumper this “sound and fury” seems to be Trump’s fault. But if they take off the anti-Trump dark glasses it is clear that it is a palace coup/coverup of massive proportions by the Democrats.


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