Facebook political arguments with liberals prove, again and again, that the consensus of the community of fashion is built largely upon class marker signifying. In democratic society, the stupid and inferior eagerly adopt establishment-sanctioned opinions in order to identify themselves as “superior and intelligent.” They are too dumb to realize that intellectual conformism is anything but a sign of high intelligence.
And, of course, these educational failures simply do not recognize that the consensus they value so highly is nothing other than the mass culture of our time, and they have never learned enough to understand that mass culture consists primarily of popular delusions, fads, and temporary bouts of mass insanity.

JK Brown
A misuse of the word liberal, but that to is an affectation they adopted in college to conform. They are good little test takers though.
“When a student has formed the habit of collecting and valuing the ideas of others, rather than his own, the self becomes dwarfed from neglect and buried under the mass of borrowed thought. He may then pass good examinations, but he cannot think. Distrust of self has become so deep-rooted that he instinctively looks away from himself to books and friends for ideas; and anything that he produces cannot be good, because it is not a true expression of self. This is the class of people that Mill describes in the words, “They like in crowds; they exercise choice only among things commonly done; peculiarity of taste, eccentricity of conduct, are shunned equally with crimes; until, by dint of not following their own nature, they have no nature to follow; their human capacities are withered and starved; they become incapable of any strong wishes or native pleasures, and are generally without either opinions or feelings of home growth, or properly their own.” 1 Such people cannot perform the hard tasks required in study, because they have lost their native power to react on the ideas presented.”
–How to Study and Teaching How to Study (1909) by F. M. McMurry
Dick the Butcher
I learned long ago not to argue with people who hold opinions which deserve no respect. Ridicule doesn’t work because they’re too stupid.
Seen here a long time ago: “Make the World a better place. Punch a liberal in the face.”
True but Forbidden 50: We are Siamese if you don’t please…
[…] Arguing With Liberals Doesn’t Work Facebook political arguments with liberals prove, again and again, that the consensus of the community of fashion is built largely upon class marker signifying. In democratic society, the stupid and inferior eagerly adopt establishment-sanctioned opinions in order to identify themselves as “superior and intelligent.â€Â They are too dumb to realize that intellectual conformism is anything but a sign of high intelligence. […]
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