17 Nov 2019

Skeet Shooting Middle-Eastern Style

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Israeli Phalanx Close-in air defense system (by Raytheon) engaging incoming missiles.

This is part of Israel’s “Iron Dome” defense system. There appear to be at least two high speed guns out of view of the camera, maybe more. At least 50cal. or maybe 20mm for the range they are shooting. The white can in the foreground appears to be for close-in fire, in the event the longer range guns do not do the job. All this is radar/computer controlled, no human action except to turn it on. What we are seeing are real shoot-downs, rockets launched probably from Lebanon aimed at Tel Aviv or other populated targets. This is cutting-edge American technology.

HT: Henry Bernatonis.

9 Feedbacks on "Skeet Shooting Middle-Eastern Style"

Norm D. Plume

Without knowing much about it, I am assuming those “tracer” rounds are not just for tracking purposes but, given that the target is a tin can full of explosives, are essentially incendiary rounds? In which case .50 cal might do the job.

Fusil Darne

Democrats told Ronald Reagan it was a waste of time and tax dollars to pursue this.
They fought him tooth and nail to keep him from trying.

Israeli Phalanx Close-in Air Defense System In Operation - HotNewsCast

[…] Never Yet Melted: Skeet Shooting Middle-Eastern Style […]


I read that the newer Phalanx systems used by the navy also have video sighting systems. That would make tracer ammo useful. So these desert guns might have OTS ammunition.

It makes for better video and probably is reassuring to the gun crews.

Retired Navy

Nice CGI.


I agree. CGI. To many of the things in this video appear to be computer generated, CGI. Flames of explosions on the ground, fake and all look exactly the same. Also, not that impressive when you see how many of the targets are actually making it to shore.

Kenneth Collins

Collections, Is this any better than putting in Favorites?.

Lewis Curtis

This video is not only CGI, but the description is BS. The Phalanx system is only used on Israeli ships and is not a land based system. It is only in 20mm, not is .50 Cal. The Army now has a contract with Raytheon to develop a land based version. Neither the Naval version, nor the land based version in development use tracer ammunition, but rather APDS ammo. Iron Dome is a missile system and has nothing to do with a land based gun system

It seems pretty clear that the operator of this website found the video, perhaps on a video game, and made up the narrative above.

I have been a Republican all my life, but this kind of BS material, apparently published by a slime bag is one of the things destroying the credibility of the Republican Party!

jay wood

how does one share this video? contact :jamesbond008jay@gmail.com


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