26 Jan 2020

Sanders Leads in Iowa

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You wouldn’t want to be a professional democrat pol this year. Bernie Sanders, everybody’s crazy Jewish communist uncle, is now leading the polls in Iowa. Steve Hayward , unlike the democrat party base, is in good touch with reality.

It’s still early and things can change fast, but several new polls show Bernie Sanders surging in Iowa and New Hampshire as well as nationally, as Warren continues to stumble, Biden continues to unimpress, and Buttigieg continues to ignore the propeller beanie hat stuck to his head.

If Sanders sweeps Iowa and New Hampshire and surges in South Carolina and Nevada, he could become well nigh unstoppable. The Democratic establishment, such as it is, will move heaven and earth to stop Sanders, and given the wealth of material in Sanders’s history, you can expect the mainstream media will start running stories on “Just Who Is Bernie Sanders Anyway?” Sanders is an opposition researcher’s dream. A steady drip-feed of his community access TV shows from the 1980s alone will be enough to sink him, though maybe not in time. If nothing else, the media adjuncts of the Democratic Party will want to get all the damaging stories about Sanders out first, before the Trump campaign does in the fall.


3 Feedbacks on "Sanders Leads in Iowa"

Seattle Sam

I’m rooting for Bernie. We need to have a clear referendum on the sort of socialism that is taking over the Democrat Party. Take a vote on full socialized healthcare, not the Trojan Horse kind being offered by Biden and Buttigieg. Take a vote on America First versus Blame America First. Democrats could be consigned for decades to the sort of irrelevance that the British Labour Party enjoys.


Do the Democrats even want to win? It’s as if they just said fuggit and are running with their wildest commie dreams. How hard is it to beat donkeys with a death wish?


Came here to say what Seattle Sam already said – if it’s anybody but Bernie the excuse for losing is just going to be that they weren’t leftist enough and 2024 is going to see even worse leftists. Let’s get a straight referendum here – are we communists or not?


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