16 Apr 2020

Nancy Pelosi: Managing to Bear Up

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The Speaker of the House has not only a small ton of ice cream, we notice, but also not one, but two enormous Sub-Zeros in her mansion on Pacific Heights in San Francisco to console her, not to mention her vinyard on the banks of the Napa River, and a million-dollar condo on the Georgetown waterfront. Odd, isn’t it, how filthy rich the tribunes of the poor and leaders of the war against the rich tend to be?

HT: Vanderleun.


5 Feedbacks on "Nancy Pelosi: Managing to Bear Up"

Seattle Sam

She’s demonstrating that she’s non-essential.

A. Squaretail

Pelosi displays a lack of self-awareness only challenged by Hilary Clinton. They are both stunningly horrible and stunningly stupid people who progressed (forgive the pun ) far beyond their capabilities solely by willing to do anything, however immoral or unethical or downright stupid, to achieve power.


stop in my neighborhood, Nance, and I’ll show you the refrigerated semi trailer at W12th St and 7th Ave South employed as a curb-side morgue. that’s how we keep our spirits contained.

mmm buh-BYE…


Madame Speaker,please please oh please continue to speak.
Your revelation that chocolate and pricey ice cream fuels you…


Just trash.


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