Tyler O’Neil finds amusing the Establishment Media’s efforts at provoking Trump into putting a label on what Barack Obama and his minions did.
During President Donald Trump’s White House press conference on Monday, a reporter asked the president what specific crime he was accusing former President Barack Obama of committing. Trump had tweeted accusations against Obama regarding the unfolding scandal of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation dubbed “Obamagate.†When Trump did not name a specific crime, many left-leaning politicos and journalists thought they had their story.
“Trump won’t name crime he’s accusing Obama of committing,†ran The Hill‘s headline. “‘You know what the crime is’: Trump stumped on ‘Obamagate’ details,†The Guardian reported. …
It is true that Trump did not name a specific crime when pressed. “Obamagate, it’s been going on for a long time,†he replied. He went on to reference “all of this information that’s being released, and from what I understand, that’s only the beginning.â€
“Some terrible things happened and it should never be allowed to happen in our country again,†the president explained.
So why didn’t Trump name the specific crime? Why didn’t he just summarize the accusations against Obama and his administration? Why didn’t he say something like “the collusion caper†or “the spying on my campaign�
The president didn’t dodge the question. He merely acted as though the crime was so obvious that reporters were shirking their responsibility to report the news if they were not aware of it.
On this, Trump has a very good point.
We know the answer, of course, and as the scandal evolves and the wheels of justice turn, everyone will know the correct word.

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