Unbelievable. Not only did they *arrest* a child merely for saying ugly things to a celebrity of color, but they're *bragging* about having arrested a child for words. Ugly words, yes, but words. He's 12 years old. What are you, @wmpolice, the Stasi? https://t.co/z1ENthqT8r
— Rod Dreher (@roddreher) July 13, 2020

Pakis running rape gangs? You’re under arrest for stating that, you racist!
Yeah, but a kid like that might grow up and vote for Boris, or worse. Gots to get’em early.
A. Squaretail
The British power elites, most of whom range from communists to fascists, have never gotten over losing their empire and its inherent opportunities to lord it over “lesser” peoples. Now they are doing it to their own people. I’m sure they miss the racist aspects of empire, but the obviously prefer abusing their own people to abusing no one. Oswald Mosely must be proud. Thinking, caring people are appalled and disgusted.
Seattle Sam
Can you imagine what they would do to a 12 year old black kid who called an athlete “Honky”. That’s right. Absolutely nothing.
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