07 Oct 2020

Maybe Some Police Should Be Defunded

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NYPD 60th Precinct — 60 Field Intelligence Officers apprehend an individual with this illegal firearm!

The comments are great. Examples:

Kara Wynona
I actually feel less safe knowing it took 60 police officers to wrestle one old cowboy to ground on his way to show-and-tell at the retirement home.


Krissy Weber
That gun is so old, you have to make the sounds for it when/if it shoots.


Mike Dunger
You recovered the Lost Pistol of Indiana Jones!

The antique gun is a .38 S&W Hopkins and Allen XL double action center fire, which would be unsafe if used to fire smokeless ammunition.

4 Feedbacks on "Maybe Some Police Should Be Defunded"


it looks frozen solid- you know, depressing the trigger wouldn’t cause the hammer to fall.


I have 2 of those old pieces of crap in my gunsafe just waiting for a generous gun buyback so I can cashthem in.


Without a link to the rest of the story, I have to assume that it didn’t in fact take 60 officers to confiscate this illegal weapon but that this one illegal weapon has been “identified” as the illegal weapon in question 60 separate times in police reports. In other words, cops don’t have to bother carrying a drop weapon when they can just keep a handy drop weapon in the police evidence locker to be used as necessary. Have I got that right?


The important thing is: How many parking tickets did they issue?

Former Brooklynite asking.


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