I get press release emails from Mother Yale pretty much every day.
This morning in came a triumphant notice boasting that Yale, this year for the first time, earned a gold rating via STARS, The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System, “a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance”.
Now “Sustainability” is one of those major shibboleths constituting obsessions and the foci of ersatz-religious devotion for the contemporary elite community of fashion.
Not to put too fine a point on it, Sustainability is a superstition, based essentially on the fallacious theory of Malthusianism, which contended that an ever-expanding human population would inevitable out-grow the food supply and other essential resources.
We have all lived through decades of constant media propaganda about the imminent apocalyptic crisis produced by excess population, peak oil, exhaustion of availability of this or that, despite Norman Borlaug, Fracking, and (most hilariously) the Simon-Erlich Wager. No evidence, no factual refutation will ever suffice to dispel this nonsense.
As Oil Company Executive Don Huberts observed in 1999: “The Stone Age did not end because the world ran out of stones.”
The ability of human ingenuity to innovate and create new solutions and to multiply existing resources is consistently and reliably wildly underestimated by our Grand Establishment Pseudo-Intelligentsia.
I think their real underlying motivation is a religious one. The elite community of fashion has long since abandoned Judeo-Christianity, but its members still are afflicted by guilt and a profound sense of their own unworthiness of the privilege and prosperity they enjoy. They subconsciously feel a need to propitiate some higher power. They yearn to find some way to sacrifice and flagellate themselves and hanker to perform some kind, any kind of penitential acts.
Thus, Gaia has replaced the Puritan Jehovah. So the Yale Administration, for instance, confirms its own membership among the Elect by gravely immolating large sums of cash and by public testimony.
It’s all really the recrudescence of the ancient Manichaean heresy: there is this wonderful, good, natural stuff over here, and there is this awful, naughty, intrisically violative stuff over there. The former is the natural world, and the latter is anything man-made, anything and everything connected to human economic activity.
There is also an imaginary past or current state constituting the only perfect and legitimate set of conditions. Any change or modification of this alleged ideal represents a disaster, a crime, and a tragedy. If some obscure mugwort, insect, or rodent happens to go extinct, mankind is to blame, and no possible expense or inconvenience can be spared to preserve every single species and subspecies, and they’ve got the taxonomists ready to promote any subspecies to species status.
Yale, of course, is fully committed to the good fight. Yale has even built its own shrine to Gaia, Kroon Hall, a $33.5 million dollar Rube Goldberg exercise in spending several thousand dollars to save a nickel, in deploying top-level expertise and engineering to find dazzlingly innovative work arounds for trivial items available at any Ace Hardware Store.
Sustainability, Mr. Salovey? How’s this for your Sustainability?
Yale College
2020–2021 Tuition and Fees
Tuition $57,700
Room $9,750
Board $7,450
TOTAL $74,900
Yale Health Hospitalization & Specialty Care Insurance $2,548
Student Activities Fee $50
Total: $77,498
When I arrived at Yale in September of 1966, the total cost was $3000 a year.
Why does the cost of attending Yale rise so much more rapidly than the rate of inflation? It probably has a great deal to do with the proliferation of special imaginary problem/bad idea offices filled with administrators burning incense in front of false idols.
Yale “Sustainability” Office has no less than eight left-wing academic bureaucrats disseminating nonsense, perpetually grasping at unwarranted powers (“Ask me about” World Governance”), and wallowing in undeserved prestige. And this ridiculous and nonsensical office has been operating, and wasting pots full of money, for fifteen years!
Just imagine how many similar Offices of Empty Superstition and/or Terrible Ideas are cluttering up the landscape all over Yale’s campus.
There is undoubtedly a well-staffed Office of Diversity and Inclusion at Yale, devoted to pandering to Snowflakes of Color’s amour propre and enforcing political correctness.

And all the effort and money Salovey at al waste produces critical thinkers such as the 2018 alumna who, in the latest issue of the alumni magazine, demanded that the previous edition of the magazine be “retracted” and that the editors apologize because some of the letters at the beginning “[gave] yet another platform to ignorant and self-centered white supremacists” who “encourage continued harassment and violence against our Black colleagues and aim to erase and detract from the voices of Black people.” I laughed out loud at such a perfect example of the Silliman Shrieking, no-dissent totalitarianism that is the only true product Yale and its Ivy League sisters can produce with consistency. And rather than shrug off or educate the errant young woman, The Editor whined about how those letters she’d published truly were “highly offensive,” but she’d published them because the professors who’d written the articles those letters had been sent in reaction to told her to publish them and she “[regretted] that I did not think to include a statement that neither Yale nor the Yale Alumni Magazine condones racism.” Another gem in the annals of Woke self-flagellation! As if such a statement should be necessary for any thinking body of readers, which one would presume Yale Alumni constitute. Alas, it’s a fine line between comedy and pain in New Haven, Cambridge, Providence, etc., nowadays …
I was impressed by that issue as well. The alumni mag is an absolute disgrace.
Once again I am grateful for the CLEP, GI bill, AND community colleges. If only the lack of newsletters and pompous administrators…
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