The Federal Bureau of Land Management regulates and controls the huge percentages of Federal-owned land Out West — 84.9% 0f Nevada, 64.9% of Utah, 61.6% of Idaho, 61.2% of Alaska, 52.9% of Oregon, 48.1% of Wyoming, 45.8% of California, 38.6% of Arizona, 35.9% of Colorado, 34.7 of New Mexico, 29% of Montana, 28.5% of Washington. Their policies and decisions, needless to say, have tremendous impact of the economies and the lives of residents of the states where they ruled unchecked over vast portions.
God forbid that those federal viceroys and satraps should be forced to live among their subjects in a picturesque city of a mere 60,000 at the Western end of Colorado. Can you even get shawarma out there?
Personally, I don’t see how there could possibly be more eloquent proof that the wrong people are in charge in that agency, and that the federal government ought to quit squatting on 30-80% of any state’s land and should get busy transferring its ownership to the people.
The Trump administration’s decision to relocate most Bureau of Land Management headquarters staffers out West — a move designed to shift power away from the nation’s capital — prompted more than 87 percent of the affected employees either to resign or retire rather than move, according to new data obtained by The Washington Post.
The exit of longtime career staffers from the agency responsible for managing more than 10 percent of the nation’s land shows the extent to which the Trump administration reshaped the federal government. The reorganization plan reestablished the bureau’s headquarters in Grand Junction, Colo., moved 328 positions out of the main D.C. office of the Department of the Interior — BLM’s parent agency — and left 60 jobs in place.
A total of 287 BLM employees either retired or found other jobs, according to Interior communications director Melissa Schwartz, while 41 people moved to the new office in [Grand Junction] Colorado. Asked for comment on how the shift affected the bureau’s operations, Schwartz declined to comment.

87% of Bureau of Land Management Bureaucrats Quit When Trump Moved the Agency to Colorado — Never Yet Melted | The zombie apocalypse survival homestead
[…] 87% of Bureau of Land Management Bureaucrats Quit When Trump Moved the Agency to Colorado — Never … […]
I well that one way to drain the swamp, but I would prefer that they all just go away, not just switch jobs.
For all of you who live East of the Mississippi or who do not travel through the West please understand in spite of what you might read the BLM land is truly your/our land. We spend months every year enjoying the West with a camping trailer and we are able to stay on BLM lands for free. There are rules and limitations but they are easy to understand and accommodate. I encourage everyone to try it, most of the West is vast open country with few others nearby. There are of course popular spots and NPs where you will be elbow to elbow but that is your choice. I advise that you do some research before hand and word of mouth from someone who has been there is usually very helpful. Watch some of the videos on Youtube to get some ideas. The research will help prevent disappointment or worse missing by a few miles some really great view or site.
Transfer of federal lands to the states would be a disaster, economically and culturally. Most states have sold off much of the public land they started out with and managed much of the rest even more poorly than the Bureau of Livestock and Mining. That said, the move of the BLM to Grand Junction was smart, putting the agency near the biggest chunks of land it manages. Ought to attract folks who love,, or at least can live in, the west. Cool town, too, with good elk hunting and great white water nearby.
I don’t advocate transferring federal lands to the states. I advocate the Federal Government divesting itself of most of those vast holdings by selling them to the people.
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