10 Apr 2021

Yale Law Cancelling Amy Chua

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Amy Chua is the John M. Duff Professor of Law at Yale Law School.

Amy Chua is best known for her 2011 book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom, advocating strict parenting and inculcation of the East Asian hard work ethic.

In 2015, she doubled-down with The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America, which contended that American groups exhibiting conspicuous achievement and success had three common characteristic features: “A superiority complex, insecurity [i.e. a need to prove oneself], and impulse control.”

Her values and perspective fly in the face of the Left’s politics of Identity Group helpless victimization and grievance culture. So it should not be surprising that Yale Law School and the undergraduate newspaper are both going after Amy Chua.

She is being cancelled, we learn, for the hideous and outrageous crime of hosting private dinner parties, and (The horror! The horror!) sharing alcoholic beverages with Yale Law students and prominent members of the legal community.

Law students are all obviously over 21 and of legal drinking age, but apparently Chua was warned off any outside school socializing with law students in 2019 as a result of her husband Jed Rubenfeld receiving a two-year suspension after a Me-Too-style witch hunt investigation into rather vaporous accusations of “disparate treatment and boundary crossing” with females, drinking with students, “inappropriate employment practices,” and “retaliation against disloyal students.”

When I was at Yale, middle-aged male professors had affairs with attractive grad students and even sometimes with teenage undergrad coeds, and nobody thought this was a problem. The girls were of the age of consent, after all, and college students were thought to be entitled to live as adults.

So, with new allegations of recent off-campus dining and wine-bibbing with adult students and distinguished jurists, Yale Law School apparently moved silently to deprive Amy Chua of a minor academic responsibility, leading first-year small groups, and leaked details of her punishment and supposed disgrace to the Oldest College Daily before even notifying Chua.



Chua’s letter to her Law School Colleagues.


Yale Daily News hit piece.

3 Feedbacks on "Yale Law Cancelling Amy Chua"

A. Squaretail

This is why one should never hire a Yale graduate, at least any who graduated after the 1970’s. I’ve worked with Yale graduates which is why I never hired one. What a pathetic excuse for a school.

Lee Also

Well before I went to college, actually, around the time I was born…

Female students (“coeds”) had curfews in the dorms. Dorms were very segregated by sex: the entire dorm was either a men’s dorm or a women’s dorm. Guests of the opposite sex were limited to the first floor lounges or possibly the cafeteria. Sororities had house mother’s who really checked in on their girls. If a female dorm resident was going away with a friend for the weekend (and not with her family), permission from her parents was needed. Fathers were only allowed on the dorm floors to help move their daughters in at the beginning of the year, and out at the end of the year.

That was all cast aside because college students were “adults” who didn’t need to be infantilized that way, blah, blah, blah…

Fast forward….

And the “coeds” of today seen to be more helpless and unable to watch out for themselves than the ones of sixty years ago.


Now they are not worried about something as trivial as pregnancy but about untreatable moral/political contamination. The sweet, young things might turn into “conservatives” and destroy the reputation of the Yale School of Indoctrination.


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