22 Apr 2021

Some People Take This Perspective Seriously

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Same people who think government handouts are the same as working wages, single parent families, and fathers with numerous unacknowledged children are and should be the norm of THEIR part of society.


In her next post, she will complain about how racist it is that people don’t want her, or her children, living in their neighborhood.


Getting stabbed builds character, dontchaknow.
And maybe getting splattered with blood and hearing the screams of her victim would have encouraged that poor slain girl to turn her life around.


Good scars are almost as good as stylish “tats” in the joint. Of course, you will have to prove whether the scars came from a tough neighborhood, or from stupidity + incompetence. Just sayin’.


It’s a shame I don’t do Twitter and can’t let this stupid bint know how negatively I feel about her and her beliefs.

This is the kind of people society needs to bring back shunning for. And the stocks. And maybe the rack.


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