Tomorrow’s Wokefest devoted to guilting White America for a race riot (that blacks lost) in Tulsa a hundred years ago will not be happening after all, the Daily Mail reports.
The flagship commemoration event to mark the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre was scrapped after three survivors demanded $1 million each to appear.
Monday’s Remember & Rise event – which was also set to feature John Legend and Stacey Abrams – was called off on Friday after survivors Viola Fletcher, 107, her brother Hughes Van Ellis, 100 and Lessie Benningfield Randle, 106, upped their appearance fee from $100,000 each to $1 million each.
Lawyers representing the trio also demanded seed money for a reparations fund be boosted from the agreed $2 million to $10 million, with Oklahoma State Senator Kevin Matthews saying organizers were unable to meet their revised demands.
The event was due to take place on Monday – the 100th anniversary of the notorious massacre that saw whites in the Oklahoma City given permission to attack the prosperous black Greenwood district and its residents.
It’s all about the shakedown.
My take on that 1921 riot:

renamed “Gimme & Get”.
Abrams absence indicates regardless of other activities the Free Buffet was officially nixed.
a thinking person would have laid low and settled for a piece of the tshirt and beret concession.
Seattle Sam
The media is intent on presenting the Tulsa Race Massacre as evidence of Systemic Racism. You know, the same way they constantly present the slaughter of millions by Stalin and Mao as evidence of the evils of Communism.
Lovely batch of rumor and innuendo. It doesn’t seem that anyone knew or knows what happened in the elevator. “Greenwood” was apparently very desirable for redevelopment and no “discussion’ of the events has gotten into who owned what and/or who rented what. It isn’t “your” community if someone else owns the property or the mortgage. Your’s has no value, if your neighbor is burned out.
Looks like it started whn a “White” girl screamed and a “Black” man ran. The Sheriff at the county courthouse kept the “White” mob out of the jail, lest the prisoner be “lynched”. He also sent an armed “Black” mob home even though they claimed tro support him. Then lots of rumor enhanced by the local “media”.
The randomn shooting and burning of businesses sounds a lot like Minneapolis and Seattle with “Antifa” and “BLM”. Idiots took the rumor bait and it was Game On. The “Black” and “White” communities didn’t trust one another, and I’d guess that someone took advantage of that, maybe someone who stood to gain from the destruction of Greenwood.
In Mineapolis, Kyle Rittenhouse heard gunfire and defended himself from attackers. In Tulsa (1921) the police, except for the Sheriff, and National Guard were clueless. “Somebody” gets out a “White” mob to support the Sheriff. “Somebody” assembles an armed “Black” mob to confront the “White” mob and support the Sheriff. The “Black” population is armed and include WWI vets but none of the car loads of random shooters are shot, captured or killed. Fires are set but no one is arrested or shot.
“Normal” “Blacks” are forced to live with “Team Ghetto” due to segregation and there is a lot of crime. “Whites” are alarmed and are confronted by an armed “Black” mob.
And miracle of miracles, Greenwood is converted from a pool of poverty to a newly developed part of downtown.
Sounds like a well planned community development project with lots of profit to spread around. There isn’t that type of official segregation any longer but it might work if some team, say “Black Block” wore distinctive uniforms and generated some rumors and mythology. In Tulsa, it was “Team Ghetto” living in tents and leftover hovels next to the successful “Blacks”. There is always a “Team Ghetto” someplace, and when they show up, it is Game On for urban renewal and a few randomn shots in the night. Maybe, Minneapolis or Seattle, it worked in Detroit, Camden and looks good in Baltimore and Chicago. Trash it or burn it and someone will make profit and others will get grift. Just business.
New York bastard Trump almost ruined the scheme. He has his. Why block the profit from playing the “White” fools against the “Black” fools. It worked in Tulsa. Why not again?
In Tulsa it was “Black” vs “White”. Next time soy stuff vs real hamburgers. If they shoot up your neighborhood, get the driver first, then clean out the threat. If you don’t understand the profit motive in chaos and politics, you are too short for this ride. Remember, the driver (or the guy/guyette with the cell phone).
Tulsa (1921) is an embarassment to America since the ploy was so obvious. But Minneapolis is no different. Cities are dead, relics of the 19th Century, so no one except the trapped investors and the grifters will spend a dime on the Reserevation for Team Ghetto. Suckers!
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