From Facebook:
I am immensely pleased to share this performance of my 2021 composition, Allegro Risoluto, Op. 91, by pianist Julian Zalla, a.k.a. Gamma1734, who has a splendid YouTube channel dedicated to performances of solo piano pieces by mostly lesser-known composers.
Julian’s channel is the place to go for hidden gems of classical music, including contemporary classical music. You will be astonished by how much tonal, melodic, absolutely beautiful music is composed *in our era* and needs to be heard. Julian is making this possible. I am one of his donors, and I would recommend that to everyone.
Also, my Allegro Risoluto is not easy to perform, and Julian has done an impressive job; I know that he exhibited much persistence in learning it, and he gave me great feedback as well. In the past decade I essentially composed for machines, and it actually takes a bit of effort to consider how (and whether) the human hand would be able to approach a particular passage – and those who know my music know that I like powerful chords, successions of octaves, occasional rapid accompaniment (with octaves and powerful chords worked in). But there is actually a decent fraction of my compositions which *could* be performed by humans, and I will try to make more scores available for that purpose – because the results could be absolutely outstanding.
Also, I will challenge myself this year to compose more human-playable works for solo piano this year. In our era we especially need beautiful music to uplift and inspire, to get us beyond the predicament of the current moment in history. While many of the latter half of my compositions have attempted to test the boundaries of what can be appealing to the human ear while being out of the reach of the human hand, it is also indisputable that writing a playable work is a great way to get exposure for it and get the ideas and sense of life that one wishes to convey communicated to a broader audience. I already have over 1200 listeners who heard the Allegro Risoluto because of Julian’s performance. They speak Spanish, German, Russian, and many other languages besides – for music is a universal language, and the project of uplifting humanity is also a universal one for me.
I’m trying to decide if I’d have known the composer was Russian from his music had I not seen his name first. It sounds Russian to me, but I don’t want to give myself too much credit having been forearmed … Enjoyable nonetheless. Thank you for the post.
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