16 Apr 2022




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T. Shaw

These effing imbeciles think they are elites.

JIM TREACHER: Musk Triggers Mass Journophrenia. Journos love free speech unless it’s yours. “If the journos had their way, you never would’ve known anything about Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop full of incriminating evidence of his ongoing criminal conspiracy with his father. Because having that information might make you vote the wrong way. And that’s fascism! Stop bringing up facts that make Democrats look bad, you Nazi.”

Same at Instapundit, “On an even more demented note, Robert Reich, veteran of the Clinton and Obama administrations, essentially argued that Musk buying Twitter would put us on a fast track to fascism; that Musk’s vision for an ‘uncontrolled’ internet was ‘​​the dream of every dictator, strongman, demagogue and modern-day robber baron’.”

Fusil Darne

Elon has focused a rather powerful ray of light on a dark subject, namely, how is twitter monetized? The scale of servers and expensive time on them needed to make it all happen, and the lack of advertising, or anything that would bring money into the organism, along with the fact that the board owns almost none of the stock, is pointing to the fact an entity with unlimited funds and no interest in ROI and an immediate interest in censorship is a more likely in a position of ownership.
Cue the investigations, please.

Seattle Sam

One of the reasons that Twitter execs may be so concerned about Musk taking over is that he is liable to unearth evidence that contradicts their sworn testimony before Congress.


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